Sunday 4 January 2009

Is it procrastination?

Ok, Christmas and New Year celebrations are over and they were a combination of sadness and joy this year. A friend's death at the beginning of my holiday brought great sadness and this combined with the festive season gave a focus on a number of things totally beyond my studies - mortality, family and the true meaning of 'life'. My son coming home for two weeks leave from the RAF has been wonderful but I can honestly say my head has been somewhere else for two weeks.

SO Son has returned to the RAF, the bedroom is now back to being a study and I am looking at the books on the shelf (you will note looking not yet reading :-) )

I am starting tonight by being kind to myself and not 'beating myself up' because my focus has been elsewhere and now just get on with it!!!!


ps. On a positive note I have made an arrangement to go up and see Duncan (supervisor) in Manchester this Friday and I feel this will set my thoughts a bit straighter.

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