Since my last blog I have received ethics approval for my research - Yipeeee!
Putting together the paperwork was a very interesting process, ensuring that the methodology was clear and ethical issues had been discussed and addressed.
It was a great feeling to receive the letter from the committee stating it was approved but also meant I needed to start the next phase - data collection.
For me and I am sure many researchers this is the bit that feels 'real'. Getting to nub of the research and the views of the participants BUT a couple of things to do first:
Advertise for my sample population on social network sites.
Send out information sheets to ensure all particpants are fully aware of the research and the process.
And then wait ..........
I sent the invitations out last week and today in two batches and thankfully I already have six people interested in being involved. Information sheets have been sent to those who have shown an interest in participating with a deadline of three weeks for reply. By the end of July I should have a clear view of who will be my participants.
In the meantime I have a pilot interview planned for early July which will allow for full testing of both the SQUIN and the follow up.
I have a further deadline for september for my transfer report so working hard on that now too.